août 16, 2021

Canine Anxiety Management with Fluoxetine (Prozac)

Fluoxetine, better known as Prozac, is a selective serotoninreuptake inhibitor drug (SSRI) that can be used for different problemssuch as depression or anxiety in pets. This drug can be used withcaution, but typically it has fewer side effects than otherantidepressants used by veterinarians.

Canine Anxiety Symptoms

Anxiety may be triggered by different events and changes in the lifeof the dog. Most commonly, dogs suffer from separation anxiety due tothe separation from an owner or an important person in the family. Thesymptoms of anxiety in dogs may include:

  • Quiet or hiding behavior; other dogs may manifest anxiety through an agitated behavior
  • Refusal to eat
  • Obsessive behavior such as chewing of paws or excessive scratching, causing skin infections or hair loss
  • Lethargy
  • Irritability and aggressiveness  
  • Whining or barking in excess

Anxiety is difficult to diagnose, but the vet can get to thisdiagnosis by ruling out other possible physical problems. The vet willalso try to identify the possible causes of anxiety.

Canine Anxiety Management

Anxiety may be problematic to treat and it may take a lot of time toget your dog to feel comfortable again. Ideally, the triggers causinganxiety should be eliminated. If this is not possible, the dog should betrained to get used to the new conditions or situations. As the owner,you will have to work a lot on helping the dog to recover. You will haveto spend extra time with the dog and help him adapt to the newsituation. Medication is recommended if the dog doesn’t show signs ofimprovement after a few weeks of training or therapy.

Fluoxetine for Anxiety

Fluoxetine hydrochloride, also known as Prozac or Reconcile, is aselective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI), which is oftenrecommended in dogs that suffer from anxiety. The medication will allowthe production of serotonin that is essential for the emotional wellbeing of the dog. A short term treatment may be successful when combinedwith extra attention and training. Prozac is often chosen as medicationfor anxiety or depression, as it has fewer side effects than similarantidepressive drugs for veterinary use.

Fluoxetine Side Effects

A lot of antidepressant medication causes lethargy in canines, butProzac will not have this side effect. However, fluoxetine may have afew other side effects:

  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Alertness, the dog may sleep fewer hours
  • Diarrhea
  • Lack of appetite followed by weight loss
  • Hyperglycemia or high concentration of blood sugar

These side effects are less severe than other drugs used for anxietyand depression, but Prozac shouldn’t be used as a long term treatment.

Contraindications of Fluoxetine

Fluoxetine hydrochloride is a substance that can increase theconcentration of sugar in the blood, so canines that already have aproblem with glycemia (diabetic dogs) should not receive Prozactreatment. The vet will perform a few blood tests prior to administeringProzac for anxiety.


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