août 16, 2021

Allergy Bedding for Dogs

Allergy bedding is specifically made for dogs thatsuffer from allergies. Canines can develop allergic reactions to certainsubstances that are present in the air or allergens that their skincomes in contact with. Pet bedding is also known to trigger allergies inpets because some of the beds, mattresses and couches that arecommercially available, don’t consist of natural or organic fibers andmaterials.

They tend to make your pet itchy and after excessive scratching, thedog will create open sores or wounds that are prone to infections. Ifyou notice that your pet tends to avoid using the bed or the beddingthat you’ve bought him, don’t force him to use it because it may becausing him excessive itchiness.

Commercially Available AllergyBedding for Dogs

There are numerous pet-bedding manufacturers that are now creatingbeds, sheets and covers that consist of all natural fibers. These fibersare less likely to aggravate your pet’s skin and are known as“hypo-allergenic” products. Some beds are made with a fabric known asNatural Hemp. Hemp is a naturally grown crop that isn’t sprayed withchemicals or pesticides. Due to its nature, it’s ideal for use in petbedding, blankets or cushions. If you can’t find beds that are made withHemp, look for dog bedding that’s labeled “Organic”.

Allergic Reactions to Bedding

Apart from buying bedding that’s suited to your pet’s skin you alsoneed to make sure that the bedding is cleaned and washed thoroughly.Although you do have to read and follow manufacturer instructions towash and thoroughly clean pet bedding you have to remember to use ahypo-allergenic shampoo or detergent. This is because your dog may notonly be allergic to certain fabrics but he may also be allergic tochemicals that are present in commercial shampoos and detergents.

Apart from this, dust mites are known to survive in pet bedding andthey could also trigger an allergic reaction in your dog. You have towash your dog’s bedding at least once a week and clean the surroundingarea with pet friendly chemicals to disinfect your home.

Tips for Pet Owners

  • If you have an allergic pet in your home, make sure you keep thehouse free from dust and dirt
  • Steam clean and vacuum the carpets regularly and keep fleainfections under control
  • Since allergic dogs develop adverse reactions to several otherallergens, avoid using deodorants or sprays around your pet and don’tspray your furniture or fabrics with air fresheners
  • Regularly bathe your pet with a hypo-allergenic shampoo and brushhis coat daily to get rid of dirt and dust

When selecting bedding for your pet, find out the type of fill that’spresent in the bedding you select because the fill may also causeallergies in your pet. Cedar chips and wood are commonly used fills thatmight not agree with all pets. To play it safe, look for bedding that’slabeled “hypoallergenic” or bedding that’s made with 100 percentnatural cotton.